Commander and Druid (two people) looking for a city and guild to join. (New players)

  • We are new and looking for a guild and city to join. We will like to be more city focused and to to play together. One of use the Druid is not huge on PvP and likes gathering and PvE. The commander is more ok with PvP, not 100% good at it, and is wanting to be more of a support tank.


    Humans or Wild Foik?

    We are on Terra, so no pvp, but we do have groups that go over once in awhile to hunt the Red Scourge. We already have several Humans in our ranks.

  • Commander human
    And druid is on the fence (currently wild folk but thinking about human


    Well, we'd be happy to have u. That said, just because your on the human lands doesn't mean you have to participate in pvp. Doesn't mean you won't be ganked

    I would say live on Terra where it's save and go over to pvp. Crystals for gate travel are easy to get

  • Thank you for the tip I will look into you guild to see if it’s something we want to join.

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