Deactivate enchanting effects of the off-hand
Archers/Single-Weapon/Mages/2H-Weapon players can't wear shields and therefore have fewer enchanting slots.
The shield(or any other off-hand item) should not add any enchantings.
This would probably solve the problem, that weapon+shield-players have more enchanting slots than all other builds.Hopefully easy enough to implement to solve the problem in no time.
And less damage output. It is a trade-off. Very against this suggestion, although I get the motivation.
Although I will say that shields should limit ability options. Some high-dps abilities should not be castable if wielding a shield (or maybe have a failure %).
@MidniteArrow this already happens.
Shields decrease your movement speed, attack speed and increase your cooldowns.
Yes, I see all that already. I'm just saying it seems like shields should not be mage things. The highest damage spells seem like they should be cloth-only, with spells to provide shield-like bonuses. A mage using a physical shield should, IMO, not have access to some spells. You can kind of say that is happening with the cooldown, but I think the effect should be bigger.
@Spoletta and of course the tower shield does prevent lots of spellcasting.
As long as there are only 'small' tweaks and balancing-changes there is still room for new problems in the future once enchantings get re-balanced for whatever reason or (maybe not planned atm but still possible) off-hand weapons appear and then 2x weapon-enchantings might again be an issue...
I think we should focus on simple solutions that directly fix the basal problem and don't create new downstream problems.. 2 enchantable items (x+shield) are more than 1 item