Handcart stuck in Bush


    After I had to let go of my cart to kill a dire wolf, it got stuck in a bush that I previously gathered from. Tried relogging, did not work. I simply cannot interact with in.
    Bug report.png


    @MorganReed said in Handcart stuck in Bush:

    et go of my cart to kill a dire wolf, it got stuck in a bush that I previously gathered from. Tried relogging, did not work. I simply cannot interac

    Yes. There is a major collision problem at the moment in the game. They need better "obscuring" going on that allows us to 1) See through objects like trees, stone bridges (thinking of Heartwood) and 2) Interact with object behind those screens. Currently, you can not pick up rocks that are behind objects or interact with carts, chests, etc that are behind walls and other objects even though you can see them. (ie. Put a chest in the bottom corner of your house and you have to literally walk away from it in order to be able to interact with it (if you are able to at all) ).

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