A few points on this. First, attributes don't really matter that much. You clearly shouldn't try to cast spells if you have INT 8, but 14-15 is already quite hard to distinguish from a full fledged 18 INT caster. Currently I play a build where the attributes are 10 15 15 15 10 15. It works perfectly and at top performance in many roles. That's because in Fractured no archetype is based on a single attribute. Warriors needs Strenght, Dexterity, Consitution, Perception and Charisma. They all contribute to swinging your weapon. Mages need Constitution, Perception, Intelligence and Charisma. Dexterity helps too. Archers need Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception and Charisma. Same for Street rats. Out of 6 attributes in the game, you always need at the very least 4. So, can I run a mage with 14 INT? Yes I can, and it will be as good as a 18 INT mage, It will just be built and played differently, leaning more on the other mage stats apart from INT. This was actually made possible by this last alpha. In the previous one, the attributes were far more effective at "locking" you into a specific role, since there was a big bonus that unlocked when reaching 20 in an attribute. I actually made an identical post to yours in the past, because I felt it actually was an issue. With this last design of attributes though, I no longer have problems with it. Second point, you CAN respec the attribute points. In the tests you have a free respec every week. In the release you will have one free respec for each char.