[Tavern Roleplay] The Singing Grotto Inn
(OOC Crap, didn't even realise I hadn't mentioned what I was, I'm a Udoadra, not Nheedra, my bad
Disregarding the men once more, Phargought turns once again to face the man sitting next to his Nheedra friend "The pleasure is mine, you seem to be alright by Glim, and that means you're at least no threat to me" Phargought says with a friendly laugh, "aye, our journey was a long one, but luckily I don't mind the cold. And as for that story, let's save that for another time aye, I need my rest, and to explain it in full may take quite some time" Phargought chuckled, remembering just how troublesome, yet fruitful, working with Glim could be.
Phargought then turns to face Glim, looking, slightly, more serious now. "What do you take of them?" nodding his head at the men addressing the room. "The two 'smaller' ones look jumpy and nervous to me, don't seem quite so certain themselves that there'll be no trouble"
WhoAteTheCat TF#6 - DIPLOMAT May 26, 2018, 2:06 PM last edited by WhoAteTheCat May 26, 2018, 2:15 PM
"I'd keep my eye on them, Phar. Fill in the men when you get a chance. Tell them we might need to tussle with another cult. Though that 'leader' I'm going to watch. Can't be having the nice people of this area be bullied by some brigands."
Glim takes a gulp of his drink, belching loudly. It draws the attention of some of the patrons, and one of the two lackeys following around baldy, Glim smiles at this one showing off his fangs.
"We'd may as well check out the town hall, get there early and ask whoever runs this town whether they're allowed to host something. If not we'll run security and make sure nothing goes bad. But I want to be there to see what this is about. I'm curious on how to 'rid myself of my chains'."
[OOC Cheers 21, Iâll change my original post. Iâm going to move the story forward if thatâs agreeable with everyone. New people joining can enter the tavern whenever they feel like, but the characters involved now can fast-forward to the morning and discuss the mission for the mercenaries and see what happens in the town hall.]
It has been a long night for the mage, and he is still scarred by the incident he came to the tavern to escape. He agrees with the Nheedra and his friend, it should probably be time to get some rest.
Malyvern turns to the bartender, âwell, thatâs enough excitement for one night,â he says.
ââTill next time, Mal,â says the bartender.
âI expect Iâll find you both tomorrow at the town hall,â says the mage to the Nheedra and Udoadra, âthough Iâm sure you and your men will still have a fair amount of drink left in you,â he smiles.As the mage turns to leave, he waves with his hand and his mug begins to fill with a liquid resembling Scoltail Liquor. The bartend responds with an angry glare.
"Until then!" Glim calls out to him.
Glim then turns to Phargought. "I've have enough drink tonight, I need a clear head tomorrow. You and the men can drink to your hearts content. Just don't spend all of your pay in one night. Bar keep, got any spare rooms?""Aye, if you've got the coin.
"That I do." He turns to Phar. "See you in the morning Phar, make sure you're up early, let the others sleep though."
Glim stands up from his stool, grunting, and starts towards the stairs to the upper floor of the inn. where his room is situated.(OOC feel free to skip to the morning, Declan. Unless someone replies before you do.)
Mimi scratches her antlers anxiously as she opens the heavy door of the Inn. Leaving Arboreus was a difficult decision and it has left her feeling withdrawn and out of place, so far from the reassuring scent of home.
Tame places such as these have their benefits I suppose, she muses as the warmth of the dying fire draws her inside.
TAP TAP TAP Mimi stops suddenly, looking down, Stone everywhere, what a bother.
Looking up to see who has noticed her rattled entry, she relaxes as everyone seems to have retired for the night. The lingering, familiar musky smell of a Nheedra reassures her further, surely this must be a good place to stay for the night.
Throwing a few coins behind the bar she pours herself a drink, awkwardly adjusts her hood and makes her way toward a comfortable looking chair near the fire tap tap tap.
Careful to pull her hood over her antlers Mimi curls up, nursing the tankard gently and drifts off to sleep, her pale brown fur warmed from the heat of the coals.
@mimi (OOC Welcome to the Singing Grotto Inn! Enjoy your stay.)
TwentyOneBones TF#2 - MESSENGER May 27, 2018, 10:14 AM last edited by TwentyOneBones May 27, 2018, 10:14 AM
@Mimi (OOC Welcome Mimi, the more the merrier!)
Phargought watches Glim retreat upstairs to his room, turning to leave the Inn, after ordering himself a room of course, he won't be gone long, just to tell the men that they should get some rest at 'some point' in the night, but not be worried about an early morning, not the day after arriving in town, that was a day for rest.
"most every other day is a busy one for anyone looking to work for Glim though" He thinks to himself with a smile, turning himself in for the night.
(OOC Welcome to the Singing Grotto, Mimi. Glad to have you join us.)
It is the dawn of a new day. From within Malyvernâs room at the inn, the low light of the morning sun sends a gentle and welcome warmth. The mage awakens from a restless but otherwise comfortable slumber, the kind one has with a belly full of ale.
Hm, I donât remember finding myself a room, muses the mage. He struggles to muster the energy to leave the bed and as he is mostly still clothed he simply slips into his cloak before he makes his way downstairs to the tavern below.
The mage is first greeted by the gently panting, friendly sheep dog who long ago made the tavern home and is considered to be a long-time resident of the Singing Grotto. Usually she will wander throughout the building and request to be patted by the various patrons and Malyvern had missed her company the previous night.
âAh, Maisy,â says the mage, as he rustles the sheep dogâs brow, âwhere were you last night? Youâre not one to be afraid usually.âMaisy scampers off down the stairs, likely to find water and rest by her usual place near the fire. Malyvern follows and attempts to be as quiet as possible. It is still very early and the others have likely not awoken yet.
The mage meanders through the tavern, and spots an Erwydra curled up on the chair by the log fire, which has long since dwindled. The mage takes a moment to step outside the front door to the tavern to take in the warm, crisp air of the morning. Before him lies the town of Kuasrine, home to the Singing Grotto and the old Arcane Academy. With the frigid mountains to the west, and Prestegne waterfalls to the east, the town is a remarkably strategic location.
The mage searches his many pockets for his tobacco and sits on the ground directly next to the innâs entrance as he waits for the others to awaken.
WhoAteTheCat TF#6 - DIPLOMAT May 27, 2018, 1:04 PM last edited by WhoAteTheCat May 27, 2018, 1:07 PM
Blinking himself awake, Glim sits up in his bed. 'Strange, too find a bed large enough to accomodate a Nheedra. And one of my size!' He thinks to himself gratefully.
Stretching and yawning he stands up from his bed to waddle towards the windows. Throwing them open to allow for the smell of bear to leave the room. Judging by the sky, Glim can tell it's still early morning. Good. Doing a quick once over of his rented room he can see that his men, probably Osiris, had brought up his gear. He smiles to himself, they're a loyal bunch.
He hefts his hand axe and lets it hang from a hoop in his belt. He throws on his gambeson and cloak and exits his room. Walking down the stairs, still rubbing sleep from his eyes he sees a dog by the fire and an Eywdra not too far from it. 'The town of Kuasrine is in for a surprise when they awake to all these beast men.' He strolls towards the Eywdra stranger and lays his cloak across her lap. 'I'm in need of a new cloak, and this one looks cold.'
He makes his way to the exit, before reconsidering and backtracking towards the bar. He leaves enough coin and in return takes some apples from a barrel by the bar. Glim then decides to leave. Walking through the portal, he once again stretches and lets out a mighty yawn, before noticing the mage sitting down by the door.
"Mornin'" Grunts Glim as he takes a bite off his apple, nearly halving it. Taking a few more steps he collapses on the ground, sitting down legs out in front of him. Breakfasting on his apples facing the beautiful falls of Prestegne.
(OOC In the next few posts, I will introduce a Chadra character called Ixuo. I imagine he was held up at the mountains and spent the night in the inn with the rest of the mercenaries.)
Malyvern breathes deeply through his pipe and exhales various patterns of smoke into the air, âmorning Glim,â says the mage.
As he speaks, the mage's stomach growls with hunger at the sight of Glimâs apples. With a wave of his hand, the mage attempts to conjure an apple of his own, but it appears rotten and not very apple-like. With a cheery skip the âappleâ begins to wander off on its own. The mage watches with dubious curiousity and wounded pride as it rolls gently into the riverstream, bobbing away happily as if to taunt the tired, old mage, âhm, never quite got the hang of that one,â he sighs and wonders what the time the Grotto starts serving breakfast.
The distant crash of waves from Prestegne can be heard as the morning song of various birds flitter from the trees close to the mage and the Bear-kin. In the distance, the old Academy peeks out through the forest and the town of Kuasrine sits just below.
Iâm not quite sure what to expect when we get to the town hall,â says the mage, âItâll be a bit of a ride to Kuasrine and defensive magic around the academy prevents me from simply conjuring a portal there. We should make it by noon at least."
As the 'apple' continues to bob away, Malyvern laughs a little, âalthough, itâs probably safer if we take our horses in any case,â he says with a smile, "spotted an Erwydra sleeping in the tavern. One of yours?"
"No, not one of mine." Glim laughs in response. "Just another Beast-Kin."
Glim continues to eat his apples. "That building, over the trees." He points with his thumb. "That's not the town, so what is it?" He asks curiously.
"But aye, I suggest we leave now. I'll go and wake Phargought."
Going back into the Inn, Glim strolls back up the stairs towards Phargought's room. Before rapping his knuckles against the wood of the door.
"Time to wake, friend. There's work to be done."
What is that smell? Bleary eyed, Mimi fumbles with her cloak which has fallen over her face during the night. How many Nheedra are in this place? The thick musk of Bear-kin was all she could smell.
Finally free of her cloak which had been caught on her left antler, Mimi is able to see that the inn is starting to get busy, serving food and warm drink to its customers, But not a Nheedra in sight?
A kind looking young human woman walks over with a jug of something warm and some food, offering Mimi a smile, "Now here's a one as is far from home, have something to eat, lass."
Smiling in return, Mimi accepts the food and notices there is a cloak on her lap This isn't mine, then makes a satisfied wuff of understanding. A kindly gesture to be sure, despite the smell.
Having sat herself down, the human seems intent on starting up a conversation.
"What brings you out this way, eh?"
Humans are always so nosey, "I'm a healer." She replies shortly through a mouthful of food.
"Och, a healer! You'll find plenty of work in these parts I'm sure. I can see you're hungry lass, I'll leave you to your breakfast." Smiling, she walks away.Plenty of work as a healer? What has been happening here?
Phargought wakes to what could only be the sound of a bear, beating on his door.
"Aye I'm up, I'm up" he grumbles, pulling himself out of bed and getting dressed in his gear, apparently brought up by the men. He wears a simple vest, trousers and a cloak, also pulling on a belt and hanging his arming sword, and scabbard, from it.
Leaving his room, he begins walking downstairs with his Nheedra friend, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Where's Malyvern, waiting on me I assume?"
Malyvern has been tucking into a strong breakfast of foraged mushrooms, potatoes and a pair of sausages he won in a wager from one of the other guests. The waitress sets down a complimentary cup of black coffee as the mage overhears a conversation on the other side of the tavern.
"Och, a healer! You'll find plenty of work in these parts I'm sure."A healer. Restoration magic has never been Malyvernâs strong suit. The road to Kuasrine could be tough, and there is still no way to be sure what they might encounter when they reach the town. With his coffee in hand, the mage announces to the Erwydra,
âAye, plenty of work to be had in these lands. Youâve strayed far from the safety of Arboreus,â he doesnât intend for this to sound threatening, but is conscious that it could be perceived that way. The mage musters up a smile and nods at Glim and his mercenaries, âweâre headed to the nearby town of Kuasrine, perhaps youâd like to join us?âMalyvern turns to the Nheedra and Udoadra, âIâll prepare my horse for travel, sheâs nestled out there somewhere. Weâll have plenty of time for me to tell you about the building that towers the town.â
I don't like the look of this one, he looks like he finds trouble wherever he goes Mimi eyed the stranger warily, taking note of the heavy scars on his face, but trouble is where I am likely to be needed so this could be a good opportunity.
"Kuasrine? Aye, it's a journey I'd rather not take alone, I'd be happy for the company." Mimi replied quietly, ducking her head.
This must be the Nheedra who left his cloak last night, "Thank you for the cloak, the air gets cooler here at night than I expected."
The Nheedra gave her a toothy grin in reply and his Udoadra companion tried unsuccessfully to stifle his yawn.
They all still look so tired, since they're going to be travelling with me maybe I can help that.
Standing up slowly, Mimi mumbles a small spell of Restoration under her breath and breathes out, feeling it fill the Inn with a energized hum, That's better, she thought We should be able to leave a little sooner now."When do we leave?"
âWe'll be glad to have you with us,â says Malyvern, and he feels a deep sense of contentment. The room seems brighter, and the patrons more cheerful and less perturbed by the presence of so many beast-kin clad in armour. "It looks like weâre all set to go," Malyvern says and turns to leave, but he is interrupted as a chadra saunters through the front entrance.
Covered in sweat and dirt, the pale fur of the chadra is matted against the leather armour protecting his torso. He wears the face of a mercenary, clearly one of Glimâs men. At his sides are two axes, stained with a dark red.
âSorry for the delay, boss, been fixing up the wagon,â he says, âshe got busted up pretty badly crossing those mountains.â He eyes the mage, âwhoâs this, a new contract?â
"You took your time getting here, Ixuo." Glim grins patting the Chadra on the shoulder, making him grunt against the blow. "Good work fixing the wagon on your own initiative. But.. to answer your question. Perhaps. We've yet to discuss."
Glim would turn to his men. "Alright, it's up to you. Ride in to town with us or get there at your own time. Decide now, for we leave now."
His men would talk amongst themselves, two Udoadra step up. "We'll ride with you, captain." 'How interesting' You think amongst yourselves. 'Twins!'
"Good. Very good. Ready your horses, we set out now.
The two Udoadra follow Glim and Phargought out towards their horses. Glim's being a huge white spotted stallion.Glim accepts his cloak back, throwing it over his wood brown gambeson.
((OOC let me know if I've missed answering anything and I'll edit it.))
(OOC Seems good! Let me know if I move too quickly, I'm conscious that we don't want to be sitting around.)
The companions set off from the Singing Grotto and make their south towards Kuasrine.
Couldnât have found myself better company, Malyvern thinks and bids a farewell nod to the innkeep. They might not show it, but theyâre glad whenever the mage turns up. Malyvernâs horse seems like it has seen better days, but the mage smooths its head like an old friend.
The journey isnât a long one by horseback but thick woodlands force the companions to slow, as the mercenaries are large and the wagon of supplies is in tow. Birds flitter above and insects drone incessantly as they travel further into the forest. The path eventually gives way to a small trail, until there is no path at all.
âSurely thereâd be a better way through to the town,â says Ixuo, âwhatâs the inn doing so far out from there?â
âThe inn provides shelter to those who would make pilgrimage to the old academy," Malyvern says, "Although itâs not been in use for a long time, and there are only a few professors left. Worldâs changed. Steam powered machines rule the day now, and our magic is feared." He turns to Glim, âonce upon a time I was a professor of the academy. It still stands, barely, but has become something of a tourist attraction in recent years. I spoke last night of a job that might be interesting enough for you and your men, I'll explain more when we get to the town.â
âDamn,â Malyvern says. A quiet rustling in the underbrush draws the attention of the group and as they move deeper into the forest and the light gives way to darkness. Malyvern feels the rumble of fear.
A tree catches the mageâs eye as it seems to move unnaturally. The plants alongside them appear mangled as though a recent struggle occured.
(( only going to be short. Donât wimt go get ahead of everyone else and start a conflict if you have something else in mind, Malyvern.))
Glim whistles a pattern and places his paw on his axe handle. The ears of his beastly friends prick up. And remain very alert without showing it. Hands ready to act.
Mimi is so absorbed with the strange forest they have entered she didn't notice their party had stopped till she walked into the back of Malyvern's horse, what's going on up ahead? She thought, rubbing her shoulder.
Glim looks tense in his saddle and his Udoadra companions are as still as stone.
Mimi's abjuration magic isn't particularly strong but it's enough to cast a small protection spell over the group. Mimi whistles low and softly and the spell falls over the Beast-kin and the Mage like rain.Mimi scratches her antlers, This doesn't seem good.