Clarification about attributes and races

  • I skimmed forums about this topic and even makers posts seems to be sometimes contradictory.

    So fundamentally I got 2 questions:

    • are humans the only race that is not forbidden from getting 20 in any of the statistics naturally? (with maximum of +2 from knowledge)
    • does having -2 to attribute means it cost more to get it to max (16) then other unmodified stats, similar how +3 gives you discount on points that are used for character creation and raises your max possible points

  • Moderator


    are humans the only race that is not forbidden from getting 20 in any of the statistics naturally? (with maximum of +2 from knowledge)


    does having -2 to attribute means it cost more to get it to max (16) then other unmodified stats, similar how +3 gives you discount on points that are used for character creation and raises your max possible points

    Nope. The lower max is just a penalty for having a bonus elsewhere, but it doesn't take more points to raise it.

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