Game crashes on joining world


    My trouble is the game crashes everytime i try to join the world (i created character and trying to start a game),
    the game crashes everytime at joining the game after creating character, for me it looks like i don't have some libraries (maybe i'm missing something and so on), could you write what librares the game uses (both visual, net framework, and so on) so before i write crash report and start digging it. maybe i will find solution on my own, and then i can write small note about the crash (you could make a board for known crashes, troubles made by lack of something etc.), so everybody that has similar crash can find it fast and not bother you.

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @bhunter10 sorry to hear that, please upload your Player.log file to and post the link here after the failed attempt to login. You can find the Player.log file here:

    Users\YourUser\AppData\LocalLow\Dynamight Studios Srl\Fractured


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