[Alpha2-1] Surface Decoration vanishes by Structures and Cart

  • Wiki Editor

    Yesterday i got more than once the feeling something is wrong when i stop my Cart and leave it ("Q").
    I had always the feeling something is vanishing, but never could spot it.
    But today i can, since i saw, that Surface Decorations (non interactive Bushes and Plants) vanish, if you place a structure like a fence next to it. That made me a bit sad, because i liked my bushes around my house.

    But the Cart thing i could see today very obvisious.
    If you leave your cart, means if you make it stationary like a structure and something surface stuff is around, then it vanishes.
    First i saw it at the bush (1. screenshot) then tried to reproduce it with the two next bushes and they disappeared too (2. screenshot):


  • Wiki Editor

    Here the bug in Action 😉

    alt text

    Yeah, i got it OBS works well, thank you @Specter. For the gifs i found a nice working online converter 😉

  • Wiki Editor

    Now the Logs cause surface stuff disappearing too.
    Means, if you Cut a Tree, the falling logs erase the Surface Bushes and some plants.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    have the same issue, also some of the logs are not falling "completely" meaning, you can not pick them up because the sequence have not ended and it seems that the log still is falling 😮

  • Wiki Editor

    Still happens in A2.1.3

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