Yeah, being a demon does not mean you have to be bad… it is more like a tendency to be bad over good. Like if you have a mortally wounded friend, you do your best to heal them/rezz them (if you are good), or you put them out of their misery (if you are neutral), or you make them suffer more so the amount of pain knocks them out and they can die peacefully, taking all of their belongings while they are knocked out and dying (if you are bad)

Posts made by Yasashiro
RE: Neutral demons able to stay on Syndesia indefinitely?
Neutral demons able to stay on Syndesia indefinitely?
Hi everyone I am planing to play an asassin with the race demon, but I would prefer to stick to neutral karma as I like both PvP and PvE. Are neutral demons able to stay on Syndesia indefinitely or do they "leak" out as the rest of their evil brothers? I know that angels are able to stay in Syndesia, but being an angel and assassin… is kind of… strange and angels are locked behind positive/good karma, aren't they?