With Player-Knowlegde I meant more something like a System where you need more Knowledge in order to do better in something. The MMO I played most was Raganrok Online. It was a simple Game but there where a lot of things that made Leveling Up realy Knowledge dependent. That means if you want into a new zone you most likly had a hard time suriving. With learning more about the monsters and trying out other equipment you could become way better at suriving and killing the monster in the zone. It is and was a hardcore grinding game but I always felt like there is still a faster way to earn expierence, therfor had fun for years.
I Also like equipment that give you new Skills or maybe game mechanic changing effects. Like an Armor that can not be melted from an Armor melting monster or a Sword that slows down demon monster etc.
When we Talk about equipment progression I always think about all the MMO's where you gain equipment for all Classes in all Areas. I would like a more relistic approch where only enemies with swords drop swords. Any enemy should drop stuff that is needed at least to earn some money. In that way I like a linear wealth progression system as long that there is always something you can't afford just like in real life. In a lot of Games more money does not change to much because you still need to reach a specific lvl an order to use the good stuff. You ever encountered a crafting tool that said sorry you need 2 year worth of expierence in order to buy me? No you buy it and then you start getting good with it.
There is so much stuff that seems wrong with most MMORPG's that I could go on forever but a lot of things seem to be improved in Fractured.