daily post
Posts made by xlukasx
RE: Feature Spotlight #4 - Skills Galore
good news indeed, can't wait to see more soon ^_^ keep up the good work
RE: Gameplay
Unfortunately the only video gameplay we have atm is the one you already saw in the Spotlight #4. But according to the team, we will have more coming in the upcoming spotlights
i see, can't wait to see more news, possibly asap Hehe
Is it available yet a gameplay video or something? or any news about an incoming one in the works? kinda curious to see how it feels like in-game properly.
Btw i already saw the small videos of the spells revealed in the last feature spotlight #4 -
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
I play both, but i enjoy more the PVP aspect. It depends on how the pvp system works though..
Hello ppl!
Hello all from Italy!
A mix of MMO and MOBA genre with fully interactable environments, kinda intriguing! can't wait to see moar!!