It's my fault for writing before going to sleep. They despawn extremely slow.

Posts made by Vonegram
RE: Monster corpses
Monster corpses
Monster corpses despawn extremely fast, not sure if bug or just oversight. They clutter the game and the server; it starts lagging more and more, you can't click the ground without clicking on a corpse eventually around shrines, it's a total mess.
Destroying things
Destroying stuff by accident is really painful. I feel you should not be able to demolish anything from the circular menu on any workbench, chest, smeltery, etc. There should be a button demolish which turns the cursor into a demolish hammer then you click with it over the object in question; or do it as written below:
Destroying items from inventory is also a bit painful, maybe high tier stuff like plate armor, 2h weapons, staves and other things like that should have a confirm time of box in which you have to write Destroy before destroying anything
RE: Bounty Hunting & Jails - Official Feedback Thread
I think the system is good, just the gold values should be tuned. Bail for someone with very little karma should be a lot less and someone with max karma should be more. Probably something like 800 gold for 0 to -200 karma, -200 to- 400 1000g, -400 to -600 1200g and so on.
RE: April 4th - Server Crash
No worries, hopefully it gets resolved in the next few days. Fingers crossed!
Bugged Plants on plot
Have a couple of bugged plants in my plot and because of them I can't build stuff properly...
RE: Talent tooltips persist after you close the talent tree
Happened in trade as well, fixed when you trade again and hover over the same item again...
More Bugs
- I made a Smeltery on a plot of a guild member to which he gave me full right, but he cannot access it. He made a smeltery as well and I cannot access it either.
- Iron is missing from the forge, you cannot craft anything with Iron ?!?!
Talent tooltips persist after you close the talent tree
It's fixed when you hover over the same passive.
Cutting trees
When you cut down trees some of the logs fall through the ground, others can't be interacted with.