"CITY MANAGMENT CHANGES" Love how deep in this is in the forums to find.... so with the upkeep requirements in full swing, i am surprised to see additional changes to the cities this soon. You didn't even let the wreckage settle from people using gold to just prop cities up... the cities that collapsed are the inactive ones that people were not farming to pay the upkeep. The ones are still left standing at least had some activity.. and we are working to keep our city by doing loads of farming.. There are still some cities that would have probably fallen due to inactivity because of upkeep from lack of farming this felt very organic and right no work no city... now the months of upkeep we have saved up before advancing to a higher because it was the smart thing is just wasted time. Our city is tir 4 with 1755veg and 582meat we planned on double that before advancing and now all the fun waiting for the game and building a city will probably be lost.. I have offered rent free 5x5 plots to strangers just to have the numbers go above 24(gove and vice are taken care) and no one takes them. To require log ins from all the members every month is absurd... i have people i would not kick from our city even if i could just for not playing for a month. this is a toxic change when the numbers have already fallen and it makes me sad. The zombie cities already fell and now the ones that are struggling will just dry up even with dedicated people working to keep the city alive. I understand the "free account changes" but the 30day log in is garbage, active then dead... no way to see how long someone has not been logged in so we have no way of knowing how many people we need to keep recruit to keep the city going until it is too late. Terra has 2 empty city plots and one 2 recently built cities. So unless your bravos adios... And now people will not want to live in cities with the risk of logging in and having your home gone because you have to depend on a gov, 3 vice gove & 19 other people.. this will empty cities not fill.. When we have 11 very dedicated people and now... well hell I have put a lot of love and time into this game but if we cant work hard and keep a city going for our fair weather members and people that might only pop in to see the changes every 3 month because this game is still not finished... man... that change might be something i could swallow after all the other development and polish is in the game but to make it right now is so soul crushing... So the question is do i move on and take 11+ people with me on to the next thing or do i invest in dead accounts to keep the city alive so the 26 people that like to play here and there have a place when the manage to log back in..