Vaccinate your lizards today! No need for ereptiledysfunction tomorrow

Posts made by UndeadBabyDragon
RE: Daily Message posting
RE: Daily Message posting
Boop the chicken on the snoot and ask it to cluck counter clock wise
RE: Daily Message posting
One Avocado Two Avocado, maybe hamsters should be bought in prebuilt balls
RE: Class type
I am thinking about doing something akin to a healer or the likes
RE: Daily Message posting
Lizards are just minidragons, orders yours today and vaccinate it against ereptiledisfunction
RE: VIP system : What do you think ?
Personally, I have always not really cared in games where VIP is allowed to grow faster. I always loved the F2P experience which you can achieve what others have achieved if you show enough effort, though with this one I am on the fence as shown if you go off the PVE world bad things seem to be a very large possibility for PVP occurences and the like.
RE: Characters backstory!
I might do mine depending on how much free time I get as of current
RE: Role playing!
I kinda like the aspects of RP as it encourages something more then just going around murdering things for "reasons" and actually helps develop character so I would be up for it
RE: Fractured Mounts
I would love to ride a giant chicken esqe mount to ride into glorious combat!... or from town to town probably just town to town
RE: Whats your favorite character Class to play on your first Character
Yeah I just play a healer debuffer
RE: Which classes/gods/alignment u gonna choose? <3
I picked the beasts going to play a CG character who just wants everyone to be happy and have fun
RE: Beastfolk or Demons
I kinda like to do something laid back where I can just relax and not have to worry about much other then what's directly in front of me