Daily post.

Posts made by thudaron
RE: Mount Questions
Never really tought about it, but permanent mounts sounds really cool and would fit Fractured well imo.
RE: Hello from Brazil
@grungempk It will be open world, no instances/loading screens (there is one exception when traveling from one planet to another).
RE: Witam :)
Siemanko. W gildiach b臋dzie taka mo偶liwo艣膰, ale b臋dzie te偶 pewne ograniczenie tj. w jednej gildii b臋d膮 mog艂y by膰 osoby, kt贸re zamieszkuj膮 t臋 sam膮 planet臋.
RE: Kickstarter gooaaaaalllll
@latinhorse It will be possible once the shop arrives on the site.
RE: Bestia, Cz艂owiek, Demon <- Co wybieracie?
U mnie b臋dzie to demon, stawiam na pvp