@jetah sure, but you'd still want the warning that an ai was about to shoot you with Hershel's Meteorite Strike (Lv 3 - Colony Drop Style~), right? to hear it coming, so you can at least try to get out of the way (or quickly find the impertinent enemy and geek the mage), correct?
I sort of lost the original point, in that I focused on my play experiences where I was forced into blind-shot spray and pray strategies due to power imbalances and system limitations - the point was that there can be things coming from off-screen, and sound is a common means of warning a player of "incoming" - regardless if the shot is fired by another player, or an ai run enemy. In my second example, the issue was explicitly that an ai could "see" farther than I could, and so trying to fight it "fairly" wasn't really possible, given the other factors - a problem that can easily occur in Fracture, too, if a projectile can travel farther than the edge of the screen, where a player can't see, but an ai "can" (or, rather, doesn't have that limit).
Similarly, Arc Lightning from Diablo is a homing spell (sort of) - if a spell can find a target for the player, then you aren't really spraying and praying - you are going to be making successful hits from off-screen because the spell augments your ability to aim. without some warning, the target is a sitting duck, at least for the first shot. with an audio warning, you at least realize that you need to get a barrier up - run into a room and shut the door, so the spell smashes the door, not you, for example.