more points needed
Posts made by TekNicTerror
RE: The Shadow Empire
I was unaware I was being toxic, (thou I do know I was somewhat of a downer earlier) I am sorry. But I was serious of those last questions, the reforms Vyr spoke of, I saw no earlier mention(s) of in that channel of what I saw.
Either way Vyr, I do want you to PM some, at the very least I wanna give back the ox; I wont be keeping it just cuz I am out and you gave it to me as a member, you could give it to a current member in need or perhaps use it in breeding or whatever, I always considered it guild property.
RE: The Shadow Empire
I wouldn't have dragged it to the forums if he had the intelligence to even tell me something other than seemingly typing in discord (I saw discord show he was typing a good 30 or so seconds so I looked away to a video, then noticed my discord was on the main view [where friends and PM's are]), then just kicking me from both the guild on the webby and discord and also not taking my PM's (discord and the PM's on the forum).
And it is not a smear campaign if it is the truth; I asked two/three questions and got no reply other then a quick kick and left with no way to 1 on 1 him.
So I feel justified in letting people know what kinda stuff he could pull.
RE: The Shadow Empire
Do not join this guild, Vyr (the leader) will kick you for asking questions without even trying to work it out.
RE: Foundation Quest ?
Ya, the one I thought was the newsletter was the one we get from kickstarter.
Is there any way to get them to send the older ones? I have missed the first ten it seems, they must have been before I had an account and found out of the game.
Foundation Quest ?
How does one get the points awarded for the READ FRACTURED NEWSLETTER quest?
I read the new one about the alpha 2 roadmap, but it hasn't counted for my points yet; and that was about 10 hours ago.