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Posts made by Sronzer
RE: Abilities interactions?
Thank you for the answers. Yay for the answer to the 3rd question being yes. Kinda was hoping answer to 1st question would be yes as well. My plan was to create a slow moving bruiser that can engage other bruisers in intense close quarters fights while relying heavily on magic to negate ranged poke so as to keep archers away from the bruisers-only fight club.
Abilities interactions?
Asking this as someone who has not played the beta/alpha and as such has no gameplay experience of Fractured.
I saw in the gameplay trailer how using a lightning spell while standing on water can shock the enemy and potentially urself. Can similarly using wind or telekinesis spells blast arrows out of the air?
If 2 mages shoot fire cones at each other at the same time, would both fire cones cancel each other out or will both mages take damage simultaneously.
I hear that there is no leveling system, instead u focus on skills. Does that mean that hypothetically, if a newly created char has 500 health and 20 Attack, then and endgame char would also have 500 health and 20 Attack as base stats? The difference being that the latter has a lot of skills up their sleeve?