Personally I like NFT's for 2 reasons
it brings an earning mechanic in for Players who put in the long hours, and make the extra effort to earn the higher level unqiues.
it provides additional options for the players who have money but not time, who still want to enjoy the game as much as they can.
An example might be;
A guild may get together and build a JUNGLE themed town, using Blueprints they purchased from the Fractured store (so they get their cut), but the creativity, the time, the effort in building it, was all done by the guild.
They then Register that on the game server as an NFT (registration fee based on size of object) and place it on the marketplace. Another Guild made up of predominately businessmen who like to play for a 10hrs a week, get together and put up the money to buy that NFT.
They now have a cool Town for their Guild to use, that didnt require the hundreds of hours to build.
and down the track if they feel they are not using it as much as they thought they would, they can put it back up for sale.
AND the Guild that DID do all that effort making it, now have the funds to either buy some unique cosmetics, or do a recruitment drive... or even upgrade their home computers.
Personally I see NFT's can be a good way to bridge the gap between those who have Time but no money, those that have Money but no Time... and the many levels in between.