@AdrielEtriss I'll be happy to join you!

Posts made by shava23
RE: Shared and unshared among alts
@Prometheus Thank you! That makes sense. Although, it might discourage people from trying out new builds if they don't get Young for a new build?
I do understand how it might be exploited, also. Hard problem.
RE: Daily Message posting
Another daily post, la-la...
Seems like they could just notice if we were active readers on the forums, for all of this...
RE: Logging out on a bridge, logging in under the bridge in the water
@GamerSeuss I'm not sure the asset disappeared so much as the location when you log in doesn't have to have a Z dimension in an isotropic game if you can't normally go under the bridge, so it drops you to the floor of the water, even though there's a higher Z.
My mind-reading guess would be that your coordinate from last log out is only X,Y.
That's what the behavior looks like, since the bridge is visibly there, and you can run to either end and get up onto it, and you have to wiggle to get out from under it.
Logging out on a bridge, logging in under the bridge in the water
This might have been more of a problem if I'd been on a bridge over deep water, lol. But is this the expected behavior? Among other things I expect it might be a good candidate for people getting stuck on terrain.
Shared and unshared among alts
I notice that bank, auction house, and various are not shared among alts. However, the young attribute that protects you from PVP is. Is this intentional?
RE: Daily Message posting
This is a daily message. If this were a real message you would be advised to move to the nearest emergency facility and...
RE: Fall Alpha 2021 Launch Day Revealed
@Omensinger Me too! Now if the servers would only welcome us back too!
RE: Whimsical Marketers - PvE/Craft/Gather/Trade/RP(optional)
Hi! Are you still around for fall alpha? This is pretty much what I'm looking for.
RE: Alpha 2.3 Key giveaway.
My ex and I are both gamers -- I was a gamer grrl back in the 1970s, when women were considered freaks of nature if they were interested in "wargames." So when we had a kid, he was doomed, right?
My son was beating Civ on the MacPlus before he could read the text. My friends wanted to nickname him "Ender" but I told them they had to wait until he was old enough to read the book and decide if he liked the handle.
I have always played with him, and tolerated thousands of hours of theory crafting for games I never cared about, to the point where we called his enless prattle on car trips "listening to the Tyranids."
When my kid was in college back some years ago when LOL was on the rise and e-sports was very new (particularly in the US), he came to me to ask if he should stop out from school and try out for an e-sports team in CA. I thought about how I'd feel in his position. My own "twitch" is long gone, lol, and you're only young once. Should he take the path more travelled or take a risk on a dream?
He'd been making small change coaching people in LOL -- he was well ranked.
I took a deep breath and told him to go for it with my blessing. My friends thought I was NUTS, but I told them that e-sports was going to be bigger than American football and maybe not so big as Association Football in just a few years -- and I was right.
My kid didn't make the team -- but he came back to his "real life" with a confidence of having pursued and dream and resolved it.
A few years later, I became fully disabled -- he's about 30 now -- and he is taking care of me. I have told people if you told me when I was working I could game and blog all day, I'd say OH YEAH! But I didn't think the devil's bargain would come with a walker and many days confined to bed playing on my phone. But my kid and I are tight, and a lot of it is due to gaming together for a quarter century. Not many kids would take their mom in at his age and get along, but we do better than most housemates.
And I still smile and nod when he goes off on his "Tyranid" rants on his latest game -- because I don't "twitch" anymore, I can't really game with him in his best genres. But we share our metagames, and that's enough.