If professions have specializations that also makes the market and trade more alive because then people will be less self-sufficient. If at some point a certain area lacks of a specific resource that will not be a problem at all because always some people sees this as an oppurtunity to make a good amount of money. The player-driven economy typically balances itself and prices go up and down unless there is too much supply. Now if everyone can easily gather and craft everything, that means less need for trade in general, and on top of that markets can easily have a lot of stuff which does not actually sell. In Albion Online the market plays quite well and it is easy to sell resources and most of the items that you have crafted. The system works because all kind of resources are needed constantly and people can specialize to certain professions. Additionally, it is really statisfying when a lot of trading is happening all the time and goods will sell easily. I hope this will be the case also in Fractured. Now we have a long testing period waiting so we at least have a lot of time to test things out. I will personally focus test and examine economy related stuff and how professions and trading works. That is typically what I like to do in MMORPGs and perhaps my background working in business and financial sectors have something to do with this as well.