Welcome aboard!

Posts made by Quixa
RE: What kind of character will you play? race/class?
Hard to say this early, but I'd like to try Blood Demon and choose either conjuring or necromancy abilities along with some non-healing utility that benefits groups if possible.
RE: B2P or F2P?
I'm so glad it will be B2P. I don't mind some purely cosmetic purchases (if it's not too over the top gaudy compared to the game's natural style) if it helps support the longevity and continued development of the game.
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
Usually much prefer PVE, but sometimes really enjoy coordinated group PvP with guildies working on objectives that could affect the world (ahh, now reminiscing my ole DAoC days!) 1v1 stresses me out too much. Since I game to unwind from RL stress, I tend to avoid it.
RE: Beast races
Oooh, good question and great answer. Looking forward to seeing them at some point.
Hello everyone :)
An old friend I used to play UO with just told me about Fractured earlier today and it didn't take long for me to get excited!
Loving the concepts presented so far and am wishing the devs all the best in developing this MMO and the whole team great success! Hopefully, we will be able to play with you all in the not TOO distant future.