Number advantage always wins.... >.<
Posts made by OlivePit
RE: Death by the Underequipped?
RE: Some feedback
Tanks and other ppl regularly run with 40+ stacks of healing herbs in their hot bar to reflexively cancel poison for a reason...
The fact that poison is so easily countered by a easily craftable and stackable item should give you pause and make you realize that with no skill points, no tallents, no stat points, no ability, a beginning player can totally nullify an entire damage type and it remains viable throughout the entire game play.
Imagine if there was something that did that vs melee damage -like the net you use to snare horses- . -
RE: [suggestion] Pvp zones
The base concept of letting players know the recent pvp kill count when entering or in a region is cool. At least that way they have information with which to make a decision and reduces spam in global chat of 'red mob coming to XYZ'.
The down side is that it is reactionary and only will let incoming players know of action that has already occurred.
Thinking along planet side mechanics where each region gives you a rough number of players in the region at the moment may be more helpful in giving warning and preventing total surprise.
This has thematic precedent as well in that 10 people on horse back make noise, dust, and can be detected from a good ways off. As such a individual in a region could reasonably detect the arrival of a large force in the area by said cues and allow them time to decide to run or make a stand.
A the moment there is no way to know these things as the field of view is so small and perspective fixed.
There is no defensive preventative opportunity or option and as such offensive actions are heavily favored.
This is different from the siege mechanic with which you can specify a window of time in which any sieges on your city can occur thus giving an edge to the defender in picking a prime time for their activity.I would like to see a simple number or colored ball in the corner of the screen that indicates the population density of the general area you are in. Yes this can be used to pre-emptively run from an ambushing force, but can also be used by the force to track the direction of the runners. -and fits with a world where you can see more than 50' in any given direction.
RE: ⁹Rescent Nerf to mages.
Yes I am certain that you can try to twist what I said to fit your agenda and ignore my point entirely.
RE: ⁹Rescent Nerf to mages.
I never said that melee did not need mana, I just said that they had abilities that cost no mana.
RE: New Limits on Locating Packaging Stations Is Unrealistic & No Fun
Open mouth... dumb founded... close mouth... shrug.
I felt like we were.. but it could have been on discord/in game chat/ and on our team chat. -shrug- Honestly not a deal breaker but defiantly glad to get it resolved ! -
RE: Flawless Jewels and the Legends - two problems
I did a test with a 1k luck character to see how often I could actually get a flawless gem from mining nodes- for me it was 1/100 nodes. That could just be bad rng luck but still illustrates the point that farming nodes is -not- the way to get flawless gems... hunt mobs. Now if anyone could clue me in on what mob gives diamonds that would be great because I have 50 saphires and topazes 15 rubies, and one diamond. (not to mention countless amythists and emeralds -will we ever get to make staves from those?)
RE: ⁹Rescent Nerf to mages.
Mages require mana to play -unlike melee- so just have mana be connected to armor instead of being calculated off of int... or make int a multiplier for mana given by armor. either way if mana is tied to having equipment then a naked mage would be totally impotent -unless they had any of the many melee skills which require 0 mana to use- cough
RE: Very high luck bugs drop rates?
Hmm.. logged out and back in and the next 2 rabbits had paws... just plain weird.
Very high luck bugs drop rates?
Ok, I went specifically hunting fox tails and rabbit paws with probably over 1k (it only showed 1k) luck.
And never got a single tail or paw.. Bug? or was I just hitting that low chance over and over again for an hour on 20 kills? -
Alternative mage weapons.
Ok, the starting mage has 1 weapon option and is single target ranged... the starting melee has 7. 6 with aoe damage and 1 single target ranged.. and a shield.
Could the starting mages get wands of fire cone, or ice touch, or acid splash? small aoe cone attacks just like melee?
And, hay, make them one handed so mages can use shields?
They dont even have to scale off of int, just a moderate damage effect to give mages options equal to melee in the beginning. -
RE: Patch Log - v.a.2.5.1b + Moderation News
That is quite nice Prometheus..
but honestly just giving new mages a cc - like entangling web- would go a long way to helping mages manage their combat encounters.
As is they only have attack abilities and no cc to start while tanks have 2 stuns and a cripple.
..with more damage and survivability..
Thank you for the fixes to carts ! -
RE: Killing too quickly doesn't give KPs
So that is what was happening... yea can confirm again !
RE: New Limits on Locating Packaging Stations Is Unrealistic & No Fun
As a person who very much looked forward to growing crops and selling to the other cities -who were supposedly going to be un able to support themselves- I found that this issue and the fact that we could only place farm plots within the city walls quite frustrating ... What city has ever only been able to plant crops -within- their walls? the region has soo much space but we cant use that to farm.
(unless there are already high fertility resource nodes there which totally break the entire premise of food scarcity).
Please fix both issues (and maybe remove high fertility nodes) so farming is meaningful and practical instead of a waste of a research point, time, and space.Oh and there should be some limit to what you can carry... currently you can go to 1000% limit and beyond and still move...
RE: Fast travel between main cities
and some of us are un happy about that ability and think the cost is way too low. XD
RE: Pulling the rug out from under new mage players.
That primitive warrior has access to inspire -aoe heal and buff- which mages do not (unless they are unarmed), you even have access to all of the heals available in game. as such warriors are better at healing and support than mages... and do more damage... and have better armor and resists... and do not have to switch out their entire build to go pve mob hunting targeting the mobs specific weaknesses... and have more and better armor/weapon material options...
What is the point of playing a light armor int based caster again?
RE: Suggestion: AoE PvE Taunting For Tanks (Heavy Armor) (Heavy/Medium Weapon/Heavy Shield?)
From this post I wondered if I could make a mage tank and use aoe spells to 'taunt' enemies and then spam slows/entangles to keep them in place/focused on me while relying on lots of heals and mage armor to stay alive. I made a 18 str, 10 dex, 18 int, 18 con, 6 pre, 6 cha. character for this purpose and started him with gladiator abilities -cuz so strong and that heal, ooph- I am currently working to fill him out with skills (cobweb, heals, fireball, etc) , but so far it is working vs mobs rather well !
The down side is that I cannot wear heavy armor and any armor I do wear is not considered when using mage armor, and mage armor is not giving all the bonusses it should, but that is another matter.
Food for thought- -
RE: Blight Skill.
yea. I tested it on mobs too. watched it for an hour (while I was working heh) and it never died or lost the effect, when i attacked it after the hour there was no indication that it had lost any max health at all. If it worked it might be a good ganking deterrent for mages to use on enemies... maybe?
RE: "Town controlled area" doesn't exist - how will that work in future?
I cant speak to that as I did not know of the game when it was available but probably would have bought it if I could if just so I could give other players the opportunity to support a different vision than those currently being offered by the governors/guild leaders in the game.
Like putting down a city with a market.