@Dybuk This:
I hope that dungeons won't be just "move forward -> kill everything -> repeat".
and this:
That it will require a bit of planning, preparation and dedication. Not just mindless button spamming.
doesn't have to be mutually exclusive, does it? One can do a lot with tricky enemy teamups, tricky terrain setup, or both.
But I agree with you - puzzles would be nice. I never got to raiding in any multiplayer game, but I have many a few a tiny handful of fond memories of doing Spy missions in Warframe(1).
I heard that roguelike-ish roguelite Unexplored has procedurally generated, multi-floor puzzles that are not just "paste puzzle vault here", so there's already prior art for Dynamight to take notes from.
Speaking of which: I really hope Dynamight has some traditional roguelike nerds on the team, if they're tackling procedurally generated dungeons. There are two reasons:
roguelike renaissence has produced a lot of useful know-how in that area, and a lot of creators share their findings freely,
"proc-gen" is a bit of a dirty word for MMO veterans, because it has been implemented poorly in past titles(2).
(1) And a lot of awful memories of uncooperative randos ruining them by acting like blind idiots. -_-
(2) If r/MMORPG is to be believed, at any rate.