@Roccandil said in Game Mechanics that I encountered in a Webnovel and would like to see incorporated into MMOs (including this one):
@NiketNaidu said in Game Mechanics that I encountered in a Webnovel and would like to see incorporated into MMOs (including this one):
Combat system
- Another MMO problem is that we are progressing towards hack and slash.
- A combat system that requires skill to execute would be ideal rather than just smashing your combos or powers
- Both Mages and Melee could have keyboard combinations or any other mechanic that is easy to pick up but hard to master. (Similar to Kingdom Deliverance or Sekiro)
I prefer thought-based skill to twitch-based skill.
"Slay the Spire" is a recent game I've played with good thought-based combat (deck-building, but hey!).
- Failing higher ranked missions would cause crippling of user stats
- Death would result in a loss of XP
- Death inside a dungeon would have a lesser XP loss
This is something I -don't- want to see. Punish people for playing, and you'll have fewer people playing.
Generally, I find that loss of gear and map position is punishment enough.
- Player established towns would have various benefits as well as responsibilities
- Hiring NPC guards, Seige weapons installation and fortification against PVP or PVE
- Player Auction houses and stores would sell player based items (Competitive Sandbox Economics)
- Player bought houses would offer benefits when sleeping (20-30 percent extra XP gain when well rested)
- Depending on Player population can be upgraded when money spent goes above a threshold. This would make a town more prosperous upgrading it from town to city to empire
- NPC Based Towns can be raided by Players and captured.
I'd rather NPCs were part of player towns, and actually a part of what players build in their own towns. This could give player towns a distinct flavor even when players aren't logged in.
For instance, I'd love to be able to craft dialogue and responses into NPCs I've hired in my town, such that players visiting my town get a unique experience, even if I'm not playing at the moment to greet them.
I'd also want to be able to craft defenses that would be always online, even if I'm not. I don't like offline-raiding; it pushes people away, and is also immersion breaking.
In short, I really don't like player towns/villages being largely empty because people can't be online all the time. Player-crafted NPCs could help.
Player Controlled Towns
Hey, I do like the idea of NPCs being part of player towns. It could also be said that players can hire NPC guards from the various guilds.
In Player Controlled towns, Yes the defences and fortifications would be always stay online and the defence systems could notify those guild players that their town, city or empire is under attack.
You are right about that. Dropping of loot can be penalized though.
For example. Red Players who kill other players needlessly would have a higher equiment drop rate if they are killed by other players.
This would have a bounty system in place where red players can have various bounties on their head (player driven)