@Specter Thank you so much. I really do hope we can actually see a "fuller" state of the game as soon as possible. Many people that I recruited to play the game have already left it behind simply because they don't want to wait for a game that is taking "this long" to develop. They do not get that Fractured literally started promoting itself from the early stages of development!.
Thanks once again!

Best posts made by Mytsai
RE: Official Launch and Worlds Structure
RE: how is it going to be the PVP?
Welcome dear friend!! You can find all the answers in the articles they sent throught all these months!
Eu sou de Portugal e achei engraçado ver um camarada do Brasil aqui por estas bandas.
Basicamente, a ideia do jogo é ter 3 mundos completamente separados pelo seu estilo de jogo, seja PvP, PvE ou misto de PvP com PvE. Em cada mundo um estilo diferente. Em relação ao acesso entre mundos não se sabe muito. Mas pelo que percebi do sistema cármico do jogo, só terás acesso a vários estilos de jogo conforme a tua pontuação cármica. Tens mais informações sobre isso na wiki que foi lançada sobre o jogo. O PvP então será um mundo inteiro repleto de jogadores onde o objetivo é o confronto jogador x jogador. Em princípio será o mundo Demónico de Tartarus a servir esse propósito!
Best regards. -
Guild Announcement
Hey there fellow adventurers and welcome to the first notice of the legendary RGT Guild!
As Master of the Royal Guard of Tormyr ( and only crewmember, for now
) I am pleased to annouce that every soul is welcome to pledge it's loyalty before this ancient alliance as long as they vow to bring honor and hardwork to the cause.
Come and join if you have the courage!
We'll wait for the launch of Fractured together! -
Hey everybody!
Hey guys, just joined fractured here, any advise of what to expect from the community? Is it something reliable? I'd like to have an mmo where I could invest some time but I don't know if this is going to be a rising mmo, can you guys tell me what to expect from it?
Btw anyone from Portugal?