All the things you've mentioned have been discussed pretty much, and as they are all QoL additions, they are very low on the priority during the Alpha testing phase, when it is mechanics they are working on.
As to #5, the reason the horse remains with the character is rather obvious...you are given a very limited window to retrieve your corpse, and having your horse available to fast travel back to where you died does slightly increase your chance of doing so, and getting out of there safely.
Corpse drop during death is a good thing, and corpse-timers are traditionally not superlong, so allowing anyone who had their fast-travel companion (horse) with them to rush back to their body is a good thing.
Oh, and as to #1, it is MMO tradition, as Kralith said, that your dropped corpse isn't visible on the map, the tombstone symbol might show up on a mini-map when you get close enough, but that's about it. Don't know where you died, your out of luck, go grab your backup gear or start making new stuff.