Funny enough they seem to have very good basic progression, but honestly the entire and graphics is only a very small part of the game. It is easy to show those in a good playable state. Someone can whip up something like the basic gameplay videos in under a month with unity with just starting, but it won't have any depth to it. The hardest part is creating the massive amount of content you need. You have thousands of NPC's that need to be created and have scripting as well as adding any quests.. You also have all the different gameplay systems to add as well. You have to create a crafting system as well and balance all the crafts and how hard they are to harvest. At this point we don't really have anything to really see how far along they actually are because we only saw a basic gameplay video which is fairly easy stage to get to.
Best posts made by Maethor
RE: What are your toughts on the speed of the development?
RE: What unusual weapon types would you like to see?
Yeah, I never understood why people think pole weapons are not dangerous once you get inside. There are numerous tactics they can use if someone tries to get inside, the main downside to pole weapons are the same as any of the large weapons like a long or greatsword or a shield is they are cumbersome. It would not be something you want to carry around in town for example. They are not like a buckler or shortsword/dueling sword or other sidearms where you can easily strap them to your body.
It would actually be interesting to see them have a sidearm and main arm style of weapon system. So you could be an archer but also carry a rapier and buckler as needed. It would be like a classic weapon swap system but the swap weapons are limited to things that can be worn on the body easily. It would be interesting to see certain areas that restricted the use of heavy weapons such water areas or dungeons.