Daily Message, Goodnight and Goodluck

Posts made by kpwnage
[Idea] World Boss / Legendary Boss Summon
I am not sure if this has been posted already on the forums but in my past experience with RPG's / Hack and Slashers / MMO's i have found that having a large group of people banded together to destroy a common enemy was quite enjoyable.
That being said, Diablo 2 : LOD had an interesting method, a random trigger might occur in the server you were loaded into that would send out a message to everyone in the server stating that an evil walks the earth, the nearest legendary minion in your area would instead turn into a giant boss which would be the only boss that drops a specific rare item that benefits your character.
I loved this concept and whenever the trigger occurs it would send everyone into a panic to try and locate this boss to kill it for themselves.
Just a thought!