@Farlander I know that feeling.
Novous Aeternum.
We're my big fails of crowdfunding up to now. One was aroudn 100 bucks the other around 150 bucks gone "puff"~
In the end it's a gamble. The only good thing about it is, that i had enjoyed these two for alot of hours. So i got my money worths entertainment out of them.
If i can get 2 hours enjoyment per 1 dollar investment. It's fine even if the game totaly fails to deliver a realese in the end.
I spent like 200 hours on Dual Universe Stuff to date. I would call that a sufficient return, + it seems DU will deliver in the end ;3. And i am hopefull DS will do the same with Fractured.
rolls the dices Only chance and hard work of the devs, will tell us if this is a sucess at the end of 2020.