Welcome, bruv!

Posts made by Francorider
RE: Any Crowfall players interested in this game as well?
This, Crowfall, Ashes of Creation, Camelot Unchained and Chronicles of Elyria are all on my radar. I'm probably gonna be trying all of them if they don't bomb before launch, but Fractured looks like the best choice so far.
RE: What you think about vaping?
Mostly annoying, in my experience. Smokers usually at least leave the room before they smoke, vapers pull the "It's healthy" card and blow it into your face until you threaten physical violence.
RE: Whats your favorite character Class to play on your first Character
I've always played the Rogue / Assassin type classes almost exclusively, but lately I've been growing tired of that. Thesedays I being the biggest oke with the biggest sword / shield and start bashing.
RE: What are you playing right now?
I keep switching between Elder Scrolls Online and Conan Exiles. The minute Fractured is out, I'm dropping both like hot potatoes, though.
Super excited for Fractured
Hey, guys. First post here, but I'm heavily excited for this game. Looks like everything I've ever wanted in an MMO, and it's really looking like a beacon of hope in a sea of boring themepark MMO's.
Also, any other okes from South Africa here?