@EbroEpaito said in 35 hours in and some thoughts....: You need a Global chat ignore or at least hide the thing. No need to expand on that. Indeed the chat needs a lot of polishing. I am suggesting: configurable chat tabs autoscroll on/off more chat types like City, PM, Trade, Help Autorun, maybe this is in the game. I just don't know but the starting and stopping running is choppy as hell and FFS I'm tired of clicking my mouse 19 billions times as I travel across the map. You don't need to click each time, just press and hold your mouse button and you will be nice walking in direction of your pointer. But if i remember right, there was a comment by Prometheus somewhen and somewhere, that they think about how to make it more QoL. Fighting multiple mobs and the loot box coming up and losing target sucks. Again maybe there is a mechanic I'm missing but I haven't figured it out. As long you are infight , you should not be able to click loot. For some actions it already is like this. And yes, it is not nice, if you accidentially click on a corpse and get the loot window, if you wanted to hit another mob instead. But you can try to use right click for fighting instead, that does not trigger the opening/interact mechanic. In general it is a good thing to report such things in a seperate theme specific post in the Alpha Forum. Each experience report is helpful, especially, if there is some description, how you think, it will work better for all. Applying for citizenship to a town. If you don't get a response in a few hours have the application drop and you need some sort of notification system other than it popping up with the global chat and crafting stuff. A notification would be for sure a very good idea.