
Posts made by Dagimir
RE: Social interaction buffs
@chrightt A buff bar could be hidden in an inventory panel so its not screen cluttering. Something you could easily access by a hotkey.
RE: Social interaction buffs
@gothix If it is a permanent stat increase it is not referred to as a buff in any game. Your last talking point is exactly what I was describing. :
"If you are visiting barber shop, paying the shaving in barber shop with in game gold (that you grinded from mobs), and you get a temporary buff with this shave, that is not P2W." - Gothix
This is the idea we are shooting for.
RE: Social interaction buffs
@muker Why should looking good not boost a social stat like charisma or confidence or something? Its not permanent. A buff like in everquest or world of warcraft usually has a time allotment for how long it lasts. Maybe 15 minutes, maybe an hour.
RE: Social interaction buffs
@gothix Yeah exactly what i was thinking. All the buffs are temporary stat increases. Also i have no idea how players being able to give you haircuts would lead to P2W. In fact that makes no sense whatsoever.
Social interaction buffs
Back in the day star wars galaxies had social professions that could do multiple quality of life features. Entertainers (dancers, musicians) could give you buffs if you sat there for awhile and watched them. There was also a barber where you could change your looks. I think having these things in this game would make put it over the top in quality and be something different from other games in this genre.