
Posts made by Dagimir
RE: Mentor system
@logain But fractured does have skill progression through the talent tree. It can also be a form of level as depending upon how far you are in the talent trees can determine just how powerful you are.
RE: Mentor system
Too many replies to this thread are so very short sighted. I explained that you could build it to prevent abuse and then the focus just goes back to how it can be abused. I also see the opinion that mobs should scale to player level which is a horrible idea in my own opinion. Oh hey that level 1 rat you fought back then is now a level 100 rat since you spent all the time adventuring and such.
RE: Mentor system
@gothix What exactly do you disagree with?
Just a few points id like to make about a mentor system where you "follow" someone around. Which literally means you are wasting your time following instead of playing.
Mechanics that promote grouping in an MMO are almost always positive and healthy mechanics. It's the reason we play mmos is to interact with other people. If you wanted a single player experience there are better games geared for the solo player.
Empowering players and giving them the option to learn things at a much slower or costlier rate than actually going and doing something they may dislike (like PVP) is healthy for the community at large. Not everyone wants to pvp or pve. Being able to bypass something that is not fun for you should be promoted as long as the cost of gaining said skill is balanced against the people who actually quest.
RE: Mentor system
your for instance doesn't make any sense. A better example would be:I see someone doing something so it gives me insight on how to do it myself. This is literally how life works. I see someone flip a switch and a light comes on. From seeing this I can surmise that if I were also to flip that same switch the light would come on.
Also I like that at first you have an idea that might work but you don't run with it but instead focus on how it could be abused. None of us want a system that can be abused as it would defeat the purpose of this type of game.
RE: Mentor system
@target Of all the replies I like yours best. You gave your opinion while stating ways to make it work instead of just saying no its a bad idea because of X. Constructive criticism is the way things get improved.
RE: Mentor system
@logain Not really. Someone still has to do the tasks to learn whatever skill it is. If you are constantly around someone doing something you naturally pick up stuff. So yeah it would be easier to go out and to the tasks to learn the skill but over time I think skills that are used around you constantly should have a chance to be learned.
RE: Post Kickstarter Funding is Going Well
thats awesome. I hope we hit the enhanced character creator too!
Mentor system
Would be cool to have a mentor system where you could teach people who group often with you some of the skills you have acquired. What do you guys think?