Unity posted an official response. Seems its not so black and white.

Best posts made by Daegalus
RE: Unity has blocked SpatialOS - What's up and what it means for us
RE: [Alpha 2-1] Impossibility to move a cart
So, having had to build 3 total carts, here is what I have found about cart placement:
Always leave ample room between the cart's front and other objects. That includes things that will be objects in the future. Example: I was building the walls to my house, i got too close to the wall when I left the cart, i could interact with it and move it while the wall was still being built, as soon as it was built, collision detection would prevent me from getting infront of the cart to use it. Luckily I could unload it and destroy it, but then I had to build my 3rd cart to finish my house. This is the same issue that affects the cart when too close to resources or trees.
Having your cart inside your house when building the floors will get it stuck in the floors until you finish the ENTIRE house. This is the first way I got it stuck which forced me to build my 2nd cart. The bright side is you do get it back, and can move it out of the house when the house is done.
Tips to prevent this: Always leave your cart with ample room around it so that you can always pick it up. And never leave it inside your house when building it.
For the devs: My suggestion on this is to make some kind of secondary collision check on the cart or other objects like it, that will push it back away from things X amount so that it doesn't get stuck. or create a larger collision bubble when using the cart so that you cant get too close to things and forced to drop it earlier. For the house thing, maybe have the collision push it up so you can click it, or don't allow it in the house while in or near the house when its not complete. Though I am not a game dev (just a regular dev), so you guys might have better ideas or ways to solve this, just thought I would try to be constructive with the bug report.
RE: Unity has blocked SpatialOS - What's up and what it means for us
This might actually be some kind of power move by Epic. It hasn't even been a day and we have this: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/epic-games-and-improbable-working-together-for-developers