@Stundorn Na wer fleißig ist, den belohnt die Foundation
Soso... Stureson nennt er sich also nun... was das wohl aussagt
@Stundorn Na wer fleißig ist, den belohnt die Foundation
Soso... Stureson nennt er sich also nun... was das wohl aussagt
Hehe... bei uns kommt kommenden Monat endlich mal ne Siebträgermaschine ins Haus. Bin schon gespannt aufs Experimentieren damit
PvE lorewise, PvP to mix it up and give some meaning or danger to specific areas (I'm enjoying more chilled PvE areas from time to time).
@specter Mkay. Maybe there is some kind of 'chat' solution in the future, but for now it's fine I think. Forum works like a charm and people are active - way more important right now
Naja wenn ich mir anseh wie klein so manche Community ist von bereits 'fertigen' Titeln, hält sich Fractured sogar noch ganz gut. Wichtig wirds ja ohnehin erst, wenn die allseits beliebte "Early Access"/"Pre-Order"-Phase, oder was auch immer dann geplant sein möge, beginnt.
You 'could' get rid of that if you set some requirements for using the chat (don't know if this is possible with the plugin) - like you can only use the chat if your account is at least 14 days old and you wrote at least 10 posts in specific forum areas.
There will always be people abusing whatever system you choose to protect something, but maybe you can filter some of the trolls
@vengu said in Lore is IMPORTANT:
Like EVE, where players pretty much write the story?
Ye similar to EVE would be fine. I think it's difficult to create the same possibilities as EVE (or Ultima Online for old times sake), but it would be a nice addition not many games can deliver so far. Something like "GM-Events" were nice too back in the days (if they were handled correctly according to lore and actual ingame events).
Ok thanks for the update @Specter - always exciting to see how plans work out in the end.
Will there be different moderators on forums and discord? Really prefer a small group of dedicated people (like 2 or 3) so there is no long delay if the only community manager is on vacation for example. Wish you the best of luck to find good people for the task
When the time is right I'll also have a look at the guilds. For now it's manageable to look through the existing threads but I would prefer some more information on the thread topics (like language, age, etc.) - just a small suggestion to future guild leaders.
Would love to see some official lore additions from player experiences at a later time. Like places you'll get to travel to or quests in memory of certain players (and/or battles for example).
Thanks for getting all the infos in one place @Vengu ! Keep it up
Na der deutschsprachige Bereich scheint ja noch recht überschaubar zu sein.
Nichtsdestotrotz lass ich auch hier mal einen Gruß da - mal sehen wie sich die Community hier entwickelt
I think the point system will work well, especially in the beginning phase. For example at first I didn't think of getting straight to the forum after registering. But in expectation of getting some 'publicity work' done AND getting some kind of immediate reward I decided to give it a shot right now.
Most of the time it will be only a short spike in my opinion, but it's worth the try.
I would only like to see a 'regular' chat system implemented if the chat logs are archived for later usage. Would be a shame if good suggestions/feedback get lost this way.
Yeah you got it right. Austria - not Australia (gladly this mistake becomes less frequent)
Looking forward to see what this project might/will become.
Are there representatives for every language channel so the specific feedback still gets delivered to you? Or does it still make more sense to post a (combined) thread here on the forums?
Path of Exile for now. Enjoying the full experience after the latest expansion
A bit of Foxhole on the side and gaming through some older games I didn't try until now. No real MMO right now though.