@Oxfurd very informative!

Posts made by Caako
RE: What is your biggest want in this game?
@Roccandil but, a little bit of rng, right? like, I want to work hard to get good stuff, yeah defonitely, but like the thrill of chance is nice sometimes.
RE: What is your biggest want in this game?
@Oxfurd I really really want gardening to be a least a little bit relevant. like, I would spend hours of the game on-end just making sure my plants are healthy if like eating food made of them gave bonuses so I could give them to my guild mates and such.
RE: Future Taming and Mounts - Economy Driven only thoughts?
@Wika I think mounts and taming should take hours of game time to accomplish, and once completed each animal should take regular uptake of food, grooming and/or training, just like any other real animal. if an animal is always with you, it should take less effort over time to keep with you, like a real companion.
RE: How in depth is the crafting going to be as far as supplying players with things can it be a proper business?
yea, I'd like to see if crafting skills allow for a specialization in economic roles. same with farming, too. I know they have talked about permanent enchantments for gear.
RE: Hello
hi x3
yea- I'm really excited to try and get my brothers to make a guild wit me