Hey friends!
Firstly, i want to thank you all for joining us on our livestream, it was a pleasure to meet you all! 
But let's get to some of your concerns:
@OlivePit said in The Council of Elysium is coming!:
Ok, so just hype and fluff, no content. Sigh.
The Council of Elysium is a community livestream, it isn't exactly meant to be a content livestream, packed with information and Q&A segments, but more of a moment to talk about what happened, showcase some community highlights we loved and generally have some light-hearted fun with the community.
Needless to say, informational/dev streams aren't necessarily off the radar and we'll work on bringing some of that beloved information to everyone.
@Vortech said in The Council of Elysium is coming!:
Wasn't what I expected either but nice to see things happening. I'm hopeful for more frequent streams, events, etc in the coming months.
We'll try to provide better context for the next Council of Elysium, we're still happy that you found some enjoyment. 
Additionally, to all of you lovely individuals who provided questions, alas we didn't have a Q&A segment, we'll try to sneak some for the next time, although this isn't guaranteed.
Thank you all very much once again for joining us in our first community livestream and providing us with all of your feedback!