Howdy, this is Antero from the Iron Dynasty,
this alliance seems very interesting, I look forward to what will come of your guild and actions taken with other merchant guilds.

Posts made by Antero
RE: The Merchant Alliance
Iron Dynasty
Iron Dynasty is a mercenary's guild, people place the hits, and we "Hit" them. Although we are a mercenary's guild, we also supply other criminals and players with things we may craft or things we collect off of our victims. If you have the money then feel free to become an investor, money is almost better than murder but not quite. We may possibly have a base on several planet, although I am unsure if we would have base commanders. I feel that we could have a ranking system, much like the military. We could have squads and majors and even a raid party.
Feel free to suggest anything in the comments.
RE: Iron Dynasty [Merchant Guild]
Now that we can actually join guilds, I'd appreciate if people joint.
RE: Daily Message posting
Hello to all the people out there with better things to do!
Wish I could join ya but.... well..... there's this game coming out in like 12-24 months and I have to be ready to buy it within like 3 days of its release! -
RE: Knights of Alexandria
This sounds like a great idea! I hope we can stay in touch.
And if you need us to send you some tea, we're your guys,-Cheers, Iron Antero
RE: Looking for a guild
Well, I hope you will consider Iron Dynasty.
Cheers, Iron Antero
Hud and Inventory Access.
With the Hud, will It be like most and just be covered in buttons that make playing the game impossible? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, take a look at this.
Or will it be minimalistic, where as certain buttons or status bars appear as battles begin or perhaps a toggle keybind. And will players be able to change the location and sizes of tabs and status bars. What about Inventory space and access, Is it like most MMORPGs where you click a button and the inventory appears, or will it be button activated. What will the inventory size be and what about stack size? And will this space be expandable? Can you bind items to a hotbar so potions are easily accessable? And what about minimaps? Is gold going to be visable and will all items be dropped on death or just gold?If these questions are being asked to early then please reply when you get into gameplay mechanics, personally I prefer a kinimalistic and neater kid of hud rather than the one you can see above.
Cheers, Iron Antero
RE: Loliconquest[VAN] - The best, oldest, and most prestigious
Does your guild have any goals that won't get yourself banned or back fire?
RE: Iron Dynasty [Merchant Guild]
We still need members, and don't be shy to ask any questions, no matter how dumb they may seem.
RE: Iron Dynasty [Merchant Guild]
If all you intend to do is critisize my lack of experiance than I would rather you refrain from talking about that in my fourm post.
Cheers, Iron Antero
RE: Iron Dynasty [Merchant Guild]
You have made many flaws in my leadership clear, but I refuse to subject myself to you. If you were interested in providing some sort of helpful advice (That isn't to give up now) then I would be happy to hear it, but I would rather you didn't destroy my guild before it was up and running.
Cheers, Iron Antero
Value of In-game Currency
If you were to walk into a regular market what would the value for these items be?
And if the currency hasn't been decided, could the public decide?Meal: 5?
Low Tier - High Tier Sword: 200 - 2000?
Low Tier - High Tier Armour: 400 - 5000?
Basic HP Potion: 300?Feel free to suggest even more items that your interested in knowing the value of.
Cheers, Iron Andero
RE: G'day!
Would you be interested in checking out my guild?
We need members.Cheers, Iron Antero
The name's Iron Antero, and I'm an Otaku that loves MMORPGs, I'm looking to become a great guild master, the name of my guild is Iron Dynasty, a merchant guild with everything from raid parties all the way to merchant and crafters. I'm not only looking to make a great guild, but make a few friends along the way.
Cheers, Iron Antero
RE: Iron Dynasty [Merchant Guild]
Just had an idea, what if there are different costs to become a Fighter or a Gatherer or a Merchant? A Fighter would cost the most since we only want strong Warriors. Then a Crafter, because we want high level Crafters and then would be Merchant, this one isn't so much the price that limits entry, but I could perhaps get them on discord and get them tk try to sell me an item, and If I am convinced, then they're in, but gatherer is a vital role as well so Iit would be open freely, and all Elite members can swap over to any other rank path with no cost, and would skip apprentice ranks. Feel free to suggest anything, I'm open to ideas.
Cheers, Iron Antero
RE: Iron Dynasty [Merchant Guild]
I see your point, but with no insight on anything about this game and no typical leveling system creating a strong guild seems impossible and you clearly have more experience when it comes to running a guild. I hope we can become good allies or rivals, and I would like to see how you intend to create a "Strong" guild.
Cheers, Iron Antero
P.S. I won't bowing down to you any time soon.
Towns and Guild Banks
As for ceating your own villages which you can go around pillaging, will there be upgradable buildings and crop fields and guild banks? What about moving around furnature inside the homes, and can you harvest your own trees if your surrounded by woods? And will these villages be only on the 3 main planets or will they be able to be founded on any planet you can travel to? Are there more than just 3 planets? How many more? And are they randomly generated?