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Posts made by almund
RE: May 2020 Playtest Review
Thanks for Fractured newsletters.
It is my main reminder of game state, like this time for survey -
Feedback from open alpha (some first time thoughts)
I did play on recent open alpha test game and here are few thoughts that were for me confusing or not just feeling right
I know game is on development but I can't do first time thoughts more than once. And wanted to give some more feedback on own topic because last one was locked ( and for getting finally those new topic foundation points.
- Keys, not configurable or listed anywhere currently in client.
- No tooltips for hovering over or guiding help for locating and learning crafting devices faster.
- Inventory
- Moving items between containers / looting was slow and clumsy. I thought first game has just DND but after playing around little more RMB did work for faster looting.
- Inventory felt really limited
- It is having limited amount of slots, having really limited stacks and top of that even carry weight limit.
- Tutorial guides to craft items on machines that could have been crafted by hand.
- Later this made me do respawn in town because I thought it is only way to have axe and other basic tools. So I lost all my items and time because of that. It might not sound bad for players who have been around longer but as someone who is playing game first time it is wasn't just having fun losing all items and felt much time wasted to walk some area that tutorial is pointing.
- I got stuck on blueprint crafting because of placement mode. I solved it out but it could have been smoother.
- Compass
- This was thing that I am still thinking after playing I assume north is it top right but there could be proper arrow for main direction.
- More clear steps what building house actually needs.
- I didn't want to google or lookup information to do stuff for first time trying. Next day I did ask it on chat and got answer but if I have understood right it is so much ask question that it will get annoying spam to players.
- After I learn what it needs, how it was limited to set locations and I was on area that was too far from gold dropping mobs I just decided not to continue testing for much longer.
RE: Why this game is not fun
I did try game yesterday maybe 1-2h and today around 2h.
Game feels right now much more limited than I did expect much walking around and I didn't feel much progression.Walking to mobs for 20min to get gold that would eventually lead possibility to claim house from location that I can only choose from already set possibilities seem not good goal enough to keep continue. And if I understood right getting new abilities is based on killing mobs too.
There wasn't just enough reason to keep playing game when I know that time to play it is limited, early progression feel slow and able to see something new is behind running to random direction for several minutes and then just normal right clicking to enemy.
For example I spend few minutes just trying to add logs to cart because of I was in placement mode. Completely clear for all players but someone like me who is trying game first time it was just annoyance that game suggest to go placement mode and then you can't add item to blueprint
I try to test game next time it is possible but for now I leave it aside. I am interested to see how it is then.
RE: Open Playtest Extension & Rollback Gifts
Thanks for extending playtest time. So I can try game finally