The forum has a pretty neat emote selection

Student , DIY kinda guy , Hopeless Romantic , Craiglist abuser.
Best posts made by D3dman
Latest posts made by D3dman
RE: State Of The Game #1 - A Gallop To Alpha
RE: State Of The Game #1 - A Gallop To Alpha
Is the "unimportant" stuff progressing too fast.
We don't have a client
We don't have gameplay footage
I already have a character
I already have a guild
Don't get me wrong, I love it , but I'm afraid it may cause instabilities in the future -
D3dmen Inc
I don't know how to advertise and promote something that does not exist. Just claiming the name
RE: State Of The Game #1 - A Gallop To Alpha
And one more thing .. One full time employer?? How are you guys going to manage with that. Good luck God bless
RE: State Of The Game #1 - A Gallop To Alpha
It seems that there will be a long time before we will have any official footage or playability. I am not in a hurry to be honest :). But in the mean time could we get some engine demos or any kind or teasers?
RE: This forum is completely, and utterly unusable
The forum, although it is not great , it is not bad either. They seem to be new to the area of content development.I figure they might went for this color as it is softer too the eyes. As for the forum it self, the first thing I would change is the red button that appears when you write a comment or a post that completely hides the letters behind it. What kind of a stupid thing is that.(( I edited my post as I used more of the forum and my opinion on it changed.))