Invisible wall for mobs and spells
Invisible wall for mobs and spells, but humans can go through (at least me)
- weird interactions for the deers and stags: they ran in circle
Coords: 50'80 W 40'69 N
- weird interactions for the deers and stags: they ran in circle
Firebolt didn't go through, but magic missiles does.
And there, wolf can't pass this (and firebolt still doesn't do damage
Another one there
Same location, but weird interaction between mobs
the treant was able to cross the wall (just like wolves the woden fences around my home) but wasn't able to reach me, was able to kill it with magic missiles (fire bolt didn't go through).
Sometime i was also able to send fire bolt and magic missiles at spider or deer/stag in "open world" without them noticing me or reacting to the spell.
Another one
I can't loot him as well