Ai co key share với nhé

  • Xin key đây


    Since we’ve introduced the chance to win a pre-alpha key through The Foundation, we’ve received a lot of questions regarding selection criteria and how many players will be accepted.

    Our initial plan was to make the key a reward for reaching a specific level in The Foundation. However, we quickly realized that was not a smart move, since it would make it hard to control how many players get the key – and we’re not yet sure ourselves how many we need for the pre-alpha testing! Moreover, it could discourage new community members who might feel they have no chance to reach the target.

    As a result, here’s a full clarification on the matter. The key will be awarded to:

    • Players who rank highest in The Foundation. We can’t tell how many exactly – let’s say if you are in the TOP 100, you can be quite sure it will be yours.

    • Players who have won one or more drawings, disregarding whether they are in the TOP X or not. The more you’ve won, the more likely it is, but even one is enough to have chance!

    • …and nope, you can’t win a key twice. If you’ve won one for being in the TOP X, you won’t get another one for being a drawing winner 😉

    Hope this clarifies the matter once and for all, but if you have doubts, please let us know in the forum discussion for this update. Also, don’t forget the pre-alpha key only grants access to the pre-alpha. Permanent access to the game can be earned only through our upcoming Kickstarter campaign or by buying pledge packs on our website later on.

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