QoL Improvements - Thoughts
Since we have some downtime I thought I would mention a couple of quality of life items that seem to be had by a lot of people I chat with. They are:
Inventory sorting for chests and bags. Even if it was random or just simply would pull all items up, that would be huge.
Moving "Carts" - I've moved twice already, and will probably move again. Perhaps some system of building a traveling caravan to move chests from your plot, items, even workstations would be cool. Just my two cents.
That's all. Thanks.
Also, from Discord:
Chat Bubbles
Map Pins
Whisper to other players
Global House Maintenance (so if you move, your maintenance moves with you)
Auto Stacking items (kind of the same thing as a sort option)
It would be nice if the map always centered on you when you pull it up!
Salvage Feature
NPC that buys garbage for cheap
Hover over mobs for name of the mob