Misc bugs
- Skeletal Archer shows up under Humanoids when obv. undead
- Not all item descriptions in the forge specify which type of damage the weapons do. polearm, great axe (slash obv. but still) etc...
- no delineation between 1h and 2h weapons.
- no horse tutorial (reported by Olive)
- Major gripe here - absolutely no idea what stats armor/weapons have until you make it.
- "Expected Item Quality: Fine(40%), Good (60%). - What exactly does this mean? 40% are fine, 60% are good? Just not very clear.
- Shortbow requires more resources than longbow. seems backwards.
- Arrow head type metal, bone, stone, don't seem to matter, arrow shaft quality the same. poor, fine, good, seem to have no affect on accuracy / damage output. If so, it's not listed anywhere.
- Wolves heads do not stack while bears heads do, in a chest or inventory for example.
- Cannot remove carts from property that were created pre-patch (that addressed the removing of carts from your property, help Spectre 4215w972n)
- As an owner of a property, if you begin to craft a blueprint, then add a co-owner, that co-owner will not have access to the resource until relogging (assume this is what did it)
- Tooltips when hovering over an item say, in an enchanter will remain if another player removes said item from enchanter.... lots of tooltips linger but I think this is one of the reproducible ways.
- Smelter temperature minimum not obvious
- Map zoom not centered on player. (I know, QoL but listing it to list it)
- Tutorial 'The Adventure Begins' - no indication of difficulty on each of the three locations.
- Purchasing a home is not obvious.
- website login tab index is off. Should be able to tab from email to password, not 'remember me'
- Wiki is weak, as a dev myself I hate documentation but for new players prior to marketing the game it should be solid.
That's it for now. Love the game so far, give the devs a mandatory beer drinking meeting at 2pm tomorrow. Best ideas come from loose devs
Very good feedback
totally agree with u