Got a founder key! Super stoked for the next alpha test, what to do?? :)
Hi everybody! I got tendinitis, so I'll keep this short.
I was wondering what to try out when I first hit the game? What were your favorite things to explore that have been released to date? Would love to look up some stuff while I am waiting for this next test-phase or as I call it... play time!
I personally really enjoyed exploration and city building. Was fun to roam with friends and see all the different critter types that are in the world so far, and work on getting houses and crafting areas built up as a community.
@Memz said in Got a founder key! Super stoked for the next alpha test, what to do??
what to try out when I first hit the game? What were your favorite things to explore that have been released to date? Would love to look up s
Sadly, if you already have tendinitis, you are going to have a rough time at this game, as this game induces tendinitis and carpal tunnel in the hand and fingers. It is highly click intensive (and I mean, HIGHLY) and the developers are adamant about not changing that method. This is by no means to tell you not to play, but its just to give you big heads up.
Now, as for you question.... there are several areas you will want to explore.... especially the Vale of Shadows as that region has a NEW area in it now!!! (Yipee!), besides that you will probably want to start with exploring the Goblin Hills (beware, it is full of goblins and may actually BE built out of goblins), then you have the Creeping Woods (lots of icky spiders and undead there), the wonderful Heartwood (beware of trees. I swear I hear them laughing at me, and they are prone to attack), the ever calming seacoasts (where you will meet some wonderful blue trolls that will shock you with love), the surrounding forests (for green leafy trolls) and northwest mountain ranges for some good o' Bouldering time with the natives (Think I saw the Hulk there once).