

    I have just declared my candidacy for governor at City territory 29 (the large harbour city between the sunset peaks and southguard mountains)
    I am however somewhat short on supporters, so if anyone is looking for a city to call home, or is interested in seeing whether the harbours are working, you and your vote are most welcome.
    Though this test is somewhat short, I am attempting to form a union of cities to gather and trade resources and generally to be an alliance of cities, with all that entails.
    Therefore, unless someone else happens to claim it first, in all the tests from now on, and hopefully the finished game, I shall attempt to claim this same city, and hope that others will join me in building it, as well as building the surrounding cities.

    I offer my thanks in advance for your cooperation.


    Due to a shortage of votes, the site of the city of Mythopoeia will be the small city slightly south of the previous site, and while no more votes are needed, new citizens would nevertheless be welcomed.
    The purpose of this city in this short time, will be mainly for smelting alloys and enchanting the items made from them, for no reason but curiosity, so, if you want to smelt, but have no city, feel free to join; ore would be welcome.

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