Introducing... LPerro
Hey everyone,
I am normally not the kind to just go and wave the "Here I am, take note"-flag - however, as we are all eager to get into the game at some point and are starving for community points, I might as well join the crowd on this one.
I am a player from northern Germany (in fact, the North Sea is just about a kilometer from my home!) and as I grew up with games like Ultima Online and the Diablo 1, I always had a sweet spot for games from the ISO-perspective. Games like Lost Ark and the like take far too long now and I feel that what we get when they finally release will not live up to (at least my) expectations. So here I am, hoping that Fractured won't find itself in the infinite development cycle like other Kickstarter-projects and that we get to play sooner than later.
See you there!
- LPerro
@lperro Hello new friend, you might need this (info).
Hello LPerro!