Building Jail 3th stage finished (floor) - cart inside is now forever embedded in the floor

  • ![alt text](Floorwagon Jailed.jpg image url)

    And can't get resources out btw.

  • I had the same problem finishing the same jail. When completing the wood door frames, a cart of stone became locked in place within the frame. I could not select it. Later, after the iron gates were put in, It became selectable, but not reachable. Trying to connect the horse to it or remove stone caused my character to run outside to the closest wall point.

  • Minor inconvenience.. please put it at the end of the TODO list. 🙂


    if you could mount your horse and connect to the cart it should pop out of the foundation.
    Another trick is to get the cart to rotate which makes the system re-asses its location and can make it pop into an appropriate space.

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