Known Bugs after the Patch b.0.1e
Hello heroes, some errors have crept into the patch.
Errors that have already been forwarded:Hardwood logs released into the free world (whether by chopping down a tree or taken from a cart) disappear immediately.The bandits in the tutorial don't want to fight, move or take damage, which means that parts of the tutorial can no longer be completed.- The Poisoner talent does not work on bows.
Creatures suffer from a rare rigidity, rendering them immobile and unassailable.- Combat hotspots discovered before the patch will be hidden again after the patch and cannot be discovered again.
- If you are encoumbered and then skill the "loading" ability, you will still have the encoumbered status even if you are no longer over the capacity.
If more errors occur as a result of the patch, you can write them here.
I'll try to forward this as soon as possible and update this post here which has already been forwarded.
Mobs in a large portion of the game cant take damage after some time
](link url)This is Vale of Shadows
Combat hotspots that show as an ? on the map are not changing when you pass through the hotspot nor does the tooltip update from undiscovered. I cannot tell if this is a bug in general or a bug for those that already cleared the hotspot prior to the update. In my case, I've cleared the hot spots.
@Pedobear A little bit more explanation would be nice.
What did you do?
How that happened?
I got in after the update for 30 mins. I submitted a bug on this but now cant login, still getting this login failed 2 hours later.
i was overencumbered from taking stuff out of storage, then gone to the fireplace to get "Loading" skills up and it was stuck like this until i relogged.